Saturday, 19 April 2008

A Capitol Update

So we've had breakfast and learned a few things.

Rach and Diane have one room and Gar and myself have the other. I warned Gar that I snore, but he was game. What I didn't warn him about because I didn't know, is that I talk in my sleep. I know I do it if someone rings me or if a Mass. State Trooper starts talking to me while I'm napping in my car, but didn't know I did it unprompted. Apparently I kicked his bed last night, waved and said "hi" and then went back to sleep. Just like all the other times I talk in my sleep, I have no memory of this.

Redi-Whip contains milk.

Volumizing shampoo can double as washing-up liquid. Note that plates, cups and silverware don't change size when this is done.

Diane explained last night that lox are salmon - something I never learned living in Long Island (I'm very slow). This was timely info as I got breakfast at a supermarket and they only had salmon (not lox).

I finally polled an American taxi driver about the election. Amusingly, he'd vote for Hillary.

We also learned Diane doesn't read this blog. However she does think I can do an awesome Irish accent.

Enough learning! Now we're off to be touristy.